Deanna’s Film Program
1989, 3:45
A life-long obsession revealed. Created with NeoVisuals Software at Sheridan College, using clunky code (keypad entry, before menus, trackpads and the mouse). Plants can't walk. Plants don't talk. Plants can't see. Plants don't have legs.
Music by Jim Barfuss with Chloe Willey.
Image Gallery

I found some childhood drawings.

Many of my drawings were about plants.

I grew up in Iowa and knew about farms.

But I was surprised to find so many drawings with plants.

For the computer, I drew outlines, then counted the x and y grid points.

I typed the x, y, z coordinates and wrote the program code to create the cactus.

The computer displays the code in wireframe.

The surface rendering took several hours for each frame.

Each second of video requires 15 separate frames.

Rendering is a time consuming process.

Design was done mathematically.

Now the mouse, menu and cursor have made this cumbersome process somewhat easier.